News and events

Final Obergurgl conference  "Quantum simulation with engineered dissipation" 

16th to 22th February, 2025

Invited speakers (to be confirmed):

Haibin Wu (EECS)

Monica Schleier-Smith (Stanford)

James K. Thompson (JILA)

Ana Asenjo (Columbia),

Kyung Choi (Q-Block computing)

Alicia Kollar (JQI),

Jean-Philippe Brantut (EPFL)

Daniel Loss (Basel)

Andrew Daley (Oxford)

Ana Maria Rey (JILA)

Tilman Esslinger (ETH)

Peter Domokos (Wigner)

Jonathan Simon (Stanford)

Martin Eckstein (Hamburg)

Daniele Fausti (Erlangen)

Johannes Zeiher (Munich)

Adam Nahum (ENS)

Frank Pollmann (TUM)

Sebastian Diehl (Cologne)

QuSiED "Next Generation" symposium 

Monday, 25th of March and Tuesday, 26h of March

Invited speakers:

Johannes Zeiher (MPQ)

Oriana Diessel (MPQ/Harvard)

Marvin Holten (TU Wien)

Markus Schmitt (Regensburg)

Rocio Saez Blazquet (TU Wien)

Farokh Mivehvar (Innsbruck) 

Ronen Kroeze (LMU)

Program with abstracts: 

program book-2.pdf

3nd consortium meeting at ICFO

Wednesday, 27th of March

Overview of activities

9:30 - 9:50 ICFO node

9:50 - 10:10 JGU node

10:10 - 10:30 LFU node


10:50 - 11:10 JSI node

11:10 - 11:30 BMU node

11:30 - organization next year

afternoon: discussions

Thursday, 28th of March

discussions and departure

2nd meeting in Innsbruck

Wed, 8th of March

Arrival, check-in, dinner at Seehof at 18:00, discussions

Thu, 9th of March

09.00-09.15 opening remarks (Zala/Christoph)

09.15-10.15 Budapest slot, perhaps with an additional postdoc contribution?

10.15-11.15 Coffee break and discussions

11.15-12.30 Guest talk by Helmut Ritsch, Innsbruck (60 min plus 15 min discussions)

12.30-16.00 Lunch+discussions+coffee, significantly extended to allow for going up to the mountain or/and for skiing

16.00-17.00 Innsbruck slot 

17.00-18.00 Ljubljana slot

18.00-19.00 Dinner+Discussions

19.00-20.00 Discussions

Friday, 10th of March

09.30-10.30 Hamburg slot 

10.30-11.30 Coffee break and discussions

11.30-12.30 Guest talk by the Innsbruck group on quantum dynamics in 1D (40 min + 20 min discussions)

12.00-16.00 Lunch+discussions+coffee, also extended to allow for some excursion

16.00-17.00 Mainz slot

17.00-18.00 Barcelona slot

19.00-21.00 Discussions and future planning

Saturday, 11th of March


Interview with coordinator Zala Lenarčič

Read the interview with our coordinator, Zala Lenarčič (JSI), on coordination challenges, gender issues, and QuantERA actions toward more gender balanced scientific community.

A series of interviews with female coordinators of QuantERA co-funded projects is a part of Task 5.4 Towards a more gender balanced quantum field, i.e. "Highlighting the presence of female researchers among the Coordinators of the QuantERA-funded projects in QuantERA communication and PR materials

Kick-off meeting in Mainz

July 14th - July 16th 2022